How do I apply for the program?
You can apply on MyCommunityHub.ca.
I know an adult with an intellectual disability that is interested in the program but still in school. Can they apply?
Yes, they are welcome to apply.
My family member lives outside of Toronto but travels there frequently. Can they apply?
Yes, they can apply. However, route training will only be done on the TTC. The start and end point of any route must be in Toronto. Students and caregivers are responsible for arranging transportation to the start and end point of their route training session.
How long does the route training take?
On average a single route training session is about three hours and most students require about eight sessions. Instructors try to schedule one route training session per week. An average student will complete their route training in two to three months. Depending on the availability of the instructor and the student, two sessions per week could be scheduled which could shorten the time to complete the route training component.
Is transportation available for students to and from class?
No. The participant and/or caregiver are responsible for their own transportation to and from class locations and the start and end points of route training sessions.
The course fee of $750 is bit expensive for those with a lower income.
Because we don’t have any external funding for the program, it needs to be self-sustaining. The bulk of the fee goes toward paying the instructor. Included is 25 hours of one-to-one route training which allows the instructor to personalize the concepts learned in class to suit the student’s needs. This is what makes our program highly effective compared to programs where the route training instruction is done in groups. Paying staff to provide one-to-one instruction is costly. However, we are always looking at ways to reduce costs and the possibility of offering options to those in particular financial hardship when we have the means to do so.